In a few hours we will head to the airport and fly home. Last night we had a farewell dinner with the staff and Mark and Sarah. Telling the staff goodbye was harder than we thought it would be. When you say goodbye to someone it's more comforting to be able to say, "I'll see you soon." But in all reality, we don't know if we'll ever see them again. We hope to come back, Lord willing. They have taught us so much in such a short time. The girls and I have visited many of their homes. Because of that, it is astounding to me that they are such givers and are so warm and loving. They literally live in such poverty compared to our standards. I have never met a people before that exhibit such love and graciousness. We cried on the way home. They have touched a deep part of our hearts and now we will never be the same. I wanted to pack Jessna in my suitcase. She was the one that led me through the downtown outdoor mall my second day here. She held onto me for dear life. I was still in culture shock and I clung to her like a scared child. She guided me through the streets, between jeepney's, tricycle's and merchants. I know she would have guarded me with her life.
The same for Karen. She helped Cossette and I during the Bible stories. She was our interpreter for the stories, skits and just about everything else. She has a heart of gold and a heart to serve. I will miss her.
Tricia led the worship and knew all the words and handmotions. Her enthusiasm was contagious and it gave us all a boost of energy.
Nye Nye was the mother figure of the group. One of our first days, she made us dinner. We ate it, it was good. Then I walked to her house one day. I am still shocked inside at the conditions. I don't think I will ever get over it. Every time she saw me she threw a bear hug around me and kissed me like I belonged to her. I felt like I did.
The teen leaders were also precious. Full of life like every teen around the world. They were fun to watch, fun to play with and of course fun to be around.
I could go on. Many of us have our own stories of the people that have impacted us. The children we have touched and that have touched our lives. But one thing I do know for certain. We will see them again. God has knit our hearts together for a purpose. Either for this life or the eternal life to come.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sunday Celebration
Sunday was our last day with the kids. We had the worship service in the morning and then we went with the teen leaders and staff to a swim party to reward them for all their hard work. Amanda gave swimming lessons, while everyone else played in the pool. Afterwards, we had a tearful goodbye and told the kids we would try to come back real soon. We get to see the staff one more time tomorrow night for a farewell dinner. Charlie and the guys are working at the church tomorrow while we girls do something fun! One more day in the Philippines!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Graduation Day
Graduation day is the day that all the children received their certificates of completion. We moved the ship, sound system, and stage down the street to the basketball courts to accomodate all the children. We shook hands with over 400 children who received their certificates. They had to have attended the VBS all five days. They were so proud. They wore their new red shirts with pride as they crossed the stage and shook our hands.
Although inundated with heat and conditions in a culture that we were not use to, this week has proven to be priceless, one we will never forget. I have never considered myself the missionary type. But I can say for certain that I am one who's heart was captured by a people who are loved by my God.
Although inundated with heat and conditions in a culture that we were not use to, this week has proven to be priceless, one we will never forget. I have never considered myself the missionary type. But I can say for certain that I am one who's heart was captured by a people who are loved by my God.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Finished: 5 Days of VBS!
Mission accomplished, or almost. Tomorrow is the graduation for the Mabuhuy Kids who have joined us for the VBS. Yesterday, Melody, a mom who lives next to the area where I have been doing the Bible story thanked us for coming. She has been bringing her one year old daughter. I know that the VBS and Bible stories have impacted her life. It shows on her face.
I'm amazed how the kids respond to the love of God through stories and songs. I am so privileged to be a part of it all.
I'm amazed how the kids respond to the love of God through stories and songs. I am so privileged to be a part of it all.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
This is Why We Came
We just finished Day 4 of our VBS. Highlights for me? Putting together skits for the children that illustrated the Bible Story, the ear piercing wonderful sound of children singing, along with hugs and high five's from the children.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
High Seas Adventure
Just completed day two of our VBS. Cosey and I told the Bible story 6 times each day. I think we're figuring out what to do! It's been a lot of fun to share the Bible stories to so many children. We are in a porch like area in the neighborhood and many people gathered around to hear the stories. The other stations, crafts and games are across the street in a large basketball court.
We are averaging almost 400 children a day. They seem to be warming up to the "visitors," and are much warmer than they originally were. These blond haired visitor's aren't quite so scary.
We got to ride in a Jeepney today and then go to dinner at a local food court. It was a very fun ride, but the fumes of the vehicles were overwhelming.
I think that I am overcoming my culture shock. It's getting easier, especially when you walk in the neighborhoods and the children and their families start to recognize you. They shout your name and wave. My heart becomes increasingly tender towards these kids and their families. They are really a gracious and precious people. Our teen leaders in the church are amazing, and also very precious. I don't know what we would do without them.
I am so overwhelmed and grateful for this opportunity. Although everyday presents it's own challenges and new experiences, I know this trip will mold my heart and my future.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The price of Experience
Thrilling, scary, frightening, endearing, heart-wrenching and amazing are words I would use to describe our trip so far. Thursday we shopped in the outdoor market downtown. Running to try and keep up with our guide, dodging the merchants, dodging dogs, roosters and people and trying not to get run over by jeepneys, motorcycles and tricycles, all while shopping for VBS supplies. Still in culture shock, it was on the set of slum-dog millionaire, or so it seemed. I felt like the lead in a drama who found herself in an unknown land with a mission. I played that game in my head in order to help myself acclimate. I was fine until we went near the water and on the concrete side walk laid about three small children, maybe 9 months old to 2 years old. They were naked, crying and all alone. We had to step over them in order to continue on our way. I have not reconciled my feelings on that one. Each day brings new feelings, situations and experiences to reconcile.
Saturday we did an outreach down the road and into the streets. The neighborhood children came who can't walk to the church. They were a bit shy toward the visitors, as we are called. I can't blame them. We gradually tried to make friends with them. They remained shy but smiled and it appeared they were grateful for the attention regardless. We sang songs, bandaged wounds, and gave them the biggest smiles we had. It doesn't seem like enough. But at least they sang songs about Jesus. That put a smile on their face.
Saturday afternoon we were assigned streets to visit to invite kids to VBS. I went with jessna, a wonderful minister here at the church. She took me by the arm and off we went down the road. The road by the church is very narrow. Jeepneys, motorcycles, cars and trucks don't stop for us. You have to walk out into the road put your hand up and yell "stop" while looking them in the eye. I haven't tried it yet. We went into one house to visit because we were invited to come in. They offered us sprite and crackers. Amanda and Cosey tell me that you have to eat whatever they offer to you. We did. There was a pig tied up outside by his foot. He was trying to get away. I think he heard them tell us that he was dinner tomorrow.
It was getting dark and we were tired. Jessna suggested that we ride the tricycle back to the church. I hesitated. I had seen how those things just fly by cars with people hanging on for dear life. But I was tired. I agreed. Jessna said, "get in." I said, "Are you coming?" Yes she informed me, get in she said. So away we went in the trycycle, it was actually pretty fun. There's so much to tell, I'll try to get it all told. The experiences have been worth the price of admission to my adventure
Tomorrow is our first day of VBS. We spent all day preparing, turning the church into a ship. It was grueling work, trying to accomplish all in one day. We have to get an early start tomorrow.
Saturday we did an outreach down the road and into the streets. The neighborhood children came who can't walk to the church. They were a bit shy toward the visitors, as we are called. I can't blame them. We gradually tried to make friends with them. They remained shy but smiled and it appeared they were grateful for the attention regardless. We sang songs, bandaged wounds, and gave them the biggest smiles we had. It doesn't seem like enough. But at least they sang songs about Jesus. That put a smile on their face.
Saturday afternoon we were assigned streets to visit to invite kids to VBS. I went with jessna, a wonderful minister here at the church. She took me by the arm and off we went down the road. The road by the church is very narrow. Jeepneys, motorcycles, cars and trucks don't stop for us. You have to walk out into the road put your hand up and yell "stop" while looking them in the eye. I haven't tried it yet. We went into one house to visit because we were invited to come in. They offered us sprite and crackers. Amanda and Cosey tell me that you have to eat whatever they offer to you. We did. There was a pig tied up outside by his foot. He was trying to get away. I think he heard them tell us that he was dinner tomorrow.
It was getting dark and we were tired. Jessna suggested that we ride the tricycle back to the church. I hesitated. I had seen how those things just fly by cars with people hanging on for dear life. But I was tired. I agreed. Jessna said, "get in." I said, "Are you coming?" Yes she informed me, get in she said. So away we went in the trycycle, it was actually pretty fun. There's so much to tell, I'll try to get it all told. The experiences have been worth the price of admission to my adventure
Tomorrow is our first day of VBS. We spent all day preparing, turning the church into a ship. It was grueling work, trying to accomplish all in one day. We have to get an early start tomorrow.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Arriving in Manila

If you've never been to a certain place before, you can only imagine what it may look like. Pictures typically cannot do it justice. That would be the case here in Manila. We arrived Thursday morning Manila time. I can't begin to describe what it's like stepping out of a plane into a new country. Feeling like a foreigner doesn't begin to describe it. We met Mark and Sarah after a 16 hour flight and they piled us into two vans. That began this most incredible adventure.
We weaved in and out of traffic, no rules, no speed limits, just honk your horn and drive. The surrounding city didn't look like anything I had ever seen. After a harrowing drive, (I'll share about that in future blogs,) we went to visit the church where Mark and Sarah reach out to the Mabuhay kids. We walked the streets, we were quickly immursed into their life.
The most dramatic of movie sets could not begin to capture the poverty and dispair these children live in. I myself, cannot hardly grapple with the reality of it. (Did I mention that all of our team are seasoned missionaries, having gone on numerous trips, but this is the first one for me.) But their smiles and hearts for the Lord, have captured my heart and the hearts of our team.
So this is how they do it. Missionaries... They love people, they endure hardships, and peril. They give their lives for the cause of Christ. I can tell you, I will never be the same again.
Monday, January 3, 2011
In memory of Uncle Wayne
It's the last night before we leave for our trip. I'm just thinking about my Uncle Wayne, who just passed away this evening. We knew it was coming, he was about 90 years old. Still, it's hard to go. I'll miss the funeral, I'll miss the family getting together, talking about him. I feel sad that I can't send him off in a grand way. But when I think about where I'm going and what I'm doing, I realize that his life has influenced who I am and what I do. He was a preacher like no one I've ever seen. He was a cowboy too. I loved his big booming voice, and his laughter that filled the room. I still remember the smell of Old Spice and the shiny cowboy boots he always wore. He loved people in his small home missions church. He could have preached to thousands. Instead, he preached to the few who would faithfully come each Sunday morning. Many were children he had personally picked up and brought. Some were the misfits that no other church wanted. He preached like there was no tomorrow, but he gave everything he had today. I loved my Uncle Wayne. We shared a love for horses, people and God. I still remember the last sermon I heard him preach about Mary and Martha and Lazarus. Probably about 10 years ago.
He taught me how to stay on a bucking horse, and how to preach. We went to horse shows together and enjoyed our love of horses. He always made me sing a solo when I was a child. It went something like this: "A cowgirl, a christian cowgirl...." Can't remember the rest, but he always made me sing it. Somehow I think he would be proud of me for going to the Philippines. I dedicate this trip in memory of my Uncle Wayne. A preacher, a cowboy and a wonderful uncle.
He taught me how to stay on a bucking horse, and how to preach. We went to horse shows together and enjoyed our love of horses. He always made me sing a solo when I was a child. It went something like this: "A cowgirl, a christian cowgirl...." Can't remember the rest, but he always made me sing it. Somehow I think he would be proud of me for going to the Philippines. I dedicate this trip in memory of my Uncle Wayne. A preacher, a cowboy and a wonderful uncle.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
I'm a missionary....
Yes, I'm packing for the Philippines. My husband, and five other people leave for the airport on Tuesday nite. We fly out on China Air at 12:00 midnight. We'll arrive first in Taiwan after about 14 hours. Then on to the Philippines. I have just one question, what was I thinking?
You see, I'm the kind of person that loves the Lord, will do anything that I'm able to do for Him. But as a teen ager, I specifically told Him that I was not missionary material. Not even close. So what am I doing, going to the urban area of Manila? That's a great question. One that I don't have a short answer for. Except that somehow, my husband got me to agree to go with him. He's been on many missions trips. And he is half Filipino. He is the one who organized the trip. We are planning to minister to the children by serving in a vacation Bible school with Missionaries Mark and Sarah Brown.
Sounds great right? Well, I have never been out of the country. I always thought my first trip abroad would be Paris. We're bypassing Paris by a longshot. So I found myself wandering the stores of the mall. What does one wear on a missions trip? I searched for mission trip clothes. I had no idea what I was looking for. The best I could do was put together some sort of ensemble that resembled a summer camping trip in a travel trailer. I hope it will do. After all, I'm a missionary....
You see, I'm the kind of person that loves the Lord, will do anything that I'm able to do for Him. But as a teen ager, I specifically told Him that I was not missionary material. Not even close. So what am I doing, going to the urban area of Manila? That's a great question. One that I don't have a short answer for. Except that somehow, my husband got me to agree to go with him. He's been on many missions trips. And he is half Filipino. He is the one who organized the trip. We are planning to minister to the children by serving in a vacation Bible school with Missionaries Mark and Sarah Brown.
Sounds great right? Well, I have never been out of the country. I always thought my first trip abroad would be Paris. We're bypassing Paris by a longshot. So I found myself wandering the stores of the mall. What does one wear on a missions trip? I searched for mission trip clothes. I had no idea what I was looking for. The best I could do was put together some sort of ensemble that resembled a summer camping trip in a travel trailer. I hope it will do. After all, I'm a missionary....
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